Saturday, May 14, 2011

SEO Journal

I've gone a long way in terms of SEO , but i'm always looking for new ways to improve my SEO efforts.
The Site
Domain Registered: 11/28/2010
- The first 1.5 month after purchase, the only thing I had going was an autoblog running on this domain and getting it indexed. I haven't done any further promotion other, until about 2 weeks ago.
- Pages Indexed: 381 Results
- Rank before any promotion was around 165~ and hovered around there for the main keyword
- The main keyword is the
- Competition is not that "difficult". Exact Match: 17,000, Searches per month according to Google Exact Match: 8K. Broad Match: 388Million
- The top 10 is not much competition. The number 1 site is a PR 2 and has been there for quite a while. This particular site has 3 of his sites in the top 10, but he only has ~100 backlinks and most of them are from ezine articles and articlebase. He's been doing artcile marketing for the last year and a half
- Scrapebox w/ crazyflix blackbox
- Senuke
- SERPAssist
- Traffic Travis
- Dedicated Server Running the tools
- Backlinker
- Backlink Energizer
- RSSsubmit
Promotion thus far (2 weeks)
- About 2 week ago, I decided to try to rank the website for its main keyword. I started with SERP Assist and created 23 web 2.0 sites which were largely spun articles (3 to be exact) and had them all pointing to the home page with different anchor text.
- I grabbed all 23 links and created another 23 web 2.0 websites for each of those first tier websites. So in total, I have about: 529 links. All the web 2.0 properties are picked randomly so each first tier sites are not the same
- I grabbed the report given from SERPAssist after all the websites have been created and submitted 10-20 RSS Feeds everyday to RSSsubmit and have been doing that to date. I have roughly submitted: 140 RSS Feeds
- I also grabbed all the Tier 2 RSS Feeds and created a new RSS Feed using and social bookmarked this using Senuke. I also pinged all the second tier web 2.0 websites.
- I created 10 different wordpress subdirectories and installed backlink energizer on each one. Setup the cron job for each one and have loaded all the second tier websites into them. I am currently only using 2 of the 10 subdirectories. Each one I submitted about 200 links on each posting 3-5 links per article, which is posted a total of 10 times on various sites they currently support.
- Using backlinker – I grabbed 50 or so 2nd tier websites and backlinked about 2K links to it so far. I have yet to put this through backlink energizier or checked if they've been indexed.
- I submitted about 2K autoapprove SB to the 2nd tier websites which I haven't checked indexing nor verified if they exist or not.
Current Indexing
All indexing is checked using SB indexing feature
1st Tier Websites: 14/23
2nd Tier Websites: ~45/529
3rd Tier SB/Backlinker Posts: Unknown
Note: No promotion has been made on the 1st tier websites. Everything was done through the 2nd tier websites which the spiders crawled to the 1st tier.
- Current Rank: 128 and it keeps jumping up and down from here. This is a huge improvement considering it was jumping around 160 for quite a while.
- Today – I jumped back onto SERPAssist and created about 30 first tier websites again. After these are completed within the week… i'll create a new set of second tier websites to the first tier websites. I did this so my serpassist is doing something during the week and not just standing at a stand still.
Things to Work on
- I need to improve on my 2nd tier website indexing – so i'll probably create accounts for those supported sites on backlink energizer and split up those 2nd tier websites so they can post alot faster.
- I should get some social bookmarking done across the 2nd tier websites as well. I will continue submitting each RSS feed to RSS Submit
- Article Marketing – Need some ezine/article base articles in there. I don't want to use spun articles for these so i'll write some unique content for this
- Get some High PR SB commenting to the main page and utilize crazyflix BB
- Get more links for Backlinker to the other link

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